In the Company of Plants: Multispecies Care and Migrant Home-Making in Germany

Show notes

In this episode, ZMO's former knowledge transfer officer Lena Herzog-Sounaye meets anthropologist Dr Hilal Alkan who talks about her current research on Turkish migrants' relationships to plants. More information on the project can be found here:

Throughout the episode Lena and Hilal talk about

  • how the idea of the project emerged
  • why it needs social anthropology to understand human-plant relations
  • recent literature on and academic approaches to multispecies studies
  • the term "multispecies" in the context of "care"
  • methodological approaches, such as auto-ethnography and Hilal's own position as a migrant in Germany
  • findings and learnings of the project
  • plant-trafficing between the homelands and Germany, and the most popular plants among migrants from Türkiye
  • how metaphors of "rooting/uprootedness" are reflective of migrants' efforts of homemaking
  • and finally, some planting tipps

Mentioned in the episode:

Disclaimer: The episode was recorded in the summer which is why ZMO's garden and growing vegetables are mentioned.

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